Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My new song is out!

Hello everyone, my new song was just released, and I received my CD in the mail today! It is called, "Broken," and it goes along with my book, "Broken But Not Defeated." I was informed last April 2010 that it would be picked up, and it is finally finished!

To order my song, go to www.hilltoprecords.com and click on "buy CD's and songbook." Type Andrea Lively into the search engine or "Broken," You can buy the song individually for $1.99 or the entire CD for $12.99. Hooray, hooray!


  1. YAY! Are you singing it or did you just write it or both?? Wow, so awesome!!!

  2. No, I am not singing this song, a guy is.
